Butter Tart Classic Clinic Day Friday June 7, 2024
Playing in our all skill level Butter Tart Classic Pickleball Tournament on June 8th & 9th? Get tournament ready or learn 2 play on our Clinic Day June 7th! Please note that registration for tournament and clinic day are completed separately.
Time & Location:
Jun 07, 2024, 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Outdoor Pickleball Courts at Tiffin Park, William St, Midland, ON L4R 2S7, Canada
The Georgian Bay Cancer Society Centre in partnership with Taylored Pickleball Academy is hosting it's 2nd annual fun pickleball tournament The Butter Tart Classic June 8 & 9, 2024 to help raise awareness and funds for their great charity.
The weekend is geared towards pickleball players of all skill levels and to get you match ready we are holding a series of clinic lessons on Friday June 7th. Â Please note that registration for clinics is seperate from the tournament - see our Tournaments for more details).
All pickleball participants (for clinics & the tournament portion of the event) must sign our TPA waiver.
View & Sign our TPA Waiver - click here
View the poster here for all event details - Clinic Poster
Butter Tart Clinic Learn2Play
Fri. June 7 12pm - 1:30pm Heard about Pickleball? Want to give it a try? Check out our introduction to pickleball which is a great way to introduce the basics of this amazing game in a fun, friendly environment. We will provide the equipment for you, and we guarantee you’ll be back for more. This clinic is a great way to gain your confidence to play in our Butter Tart Classic Tournament on Sat. June 8 and Sun. June 9 (tournament registration is in addition to clinic registration).
CA$40.00Tax: +CA$5.20 HST+CA$1.13 service feeSale endedBTart: Tune Up Clinic Adv. Beg
Fri. June 7 1:30pm - 3pm Skill: Advanced Beginner This clinic is geared towards the advanced beginner skill level player that is looking to improve their skills, shot selection and strategies during game play. Through drills, drill-based games, and gameplay environments this clinic will have you tuned up and ready for tournament play in our Butter Tart Classic Tournament on Sat. June 8 and Sun. June 9(tournament registration is in addition to clinic registration).
CA$50.00Tax: +CA$6.50 HST+CA$1.41 service feeSale endedBTart: Tune Up Clinic Interm.
Fri. June 7 3pm - 4:30pm Skill: Intermediate This clinic is geared towards the intermediate skill level player that is looking to work with a TPA coach to refresh their skills, shot selection and strategies on the court. Through drills, drill-based games, and gameplay environments this clinic will have tuned up and ready for tournament play in our Butter Tart Classic Tournament on Sat. June 8 and Sun. June 9 (tournament registration is in addition to clinic registration).
CA$50.00Tax: +CA$6.50 HST+CA$1.41 service feeSale ended